Shiv Healthcare Services Pvt Ltd

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Original price was: ₹13,333.34.Current price is: ₹8,000.00.

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The utilization of this specialized panel of tests holds significant importance for Hypro Diagnostics in confirming a thrombophilia diagnosis, a condition characterized by abnormal blood clotting. By meticulously examining the concentration of specific proteins and antibodies in the blood, our clinicians gain critical insights into the nuanced nature of thrombophilic tendencies. It’s noteworthy that, for optimal accuracy and diagnostic efficacy, Hypro Diagnostics recommends conducting this panel on patients some time after the occurrence of an acute event linked to the clotting issue. This strategic approach ensures a thorough evaluation of the underlying factors contributing to thrombophilia. The valuable insights derived from this panel empower our healthcare professionals to tailor precise treatment strategies, offering personalized interventions for both the acute and long-term management of individuals grappling with thrombophilia.

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