Hypro Thyroid Assessment – Basic is a comprehensive test package aimed at evaluating thyroid hormone levels. This test, crucial for those with family history or experiencing unexplained weight changes, includes TSH, T3, T4, and CBC tests to detect hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. The thyroid, positioned in the neck, regulates energy, metabolism, and mood. When there’s inadequate production of T4 and T3, it could lead to hypothyroidism, causing weight gain and sluggishness. Conversely, elevated hormone levels result in hyperthyroidism, causing weight loss and anxiety. This thorough Hypro 24|7 thyroid package, with 31 tests, assesses TSH, T3, T4, and CBC to diagnose thyroid irregularities. The convenient home test, available via the app, delivers results in 72 hours. The initial TSH test identifies hypo or hyperthyroidism. Elevated T4 levels may indicate symptoms like weight loss, anxiety, and tremors. Abnormal TSH levels reveal specific thyroid conditions, while CBC detects related issues. Symptoms like fatigue, temperature sensitivity, muscle weakness, dry skin, menstrual irregularities, and weight fluctuations call for regular thyroid testing, allowing for early detection and prevention of further complications.
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