The DIG X-ray Right Palm AP & Oblique Including Little Finger, conducted by Hypro Diagnostics, is a specialized imaging procedure tailored for a comprehensive evaluation of the right palm, with specific attention to the little finger. This advanced digital X-ray method captures detailed images from both Anteroposterior (AP) and Oblique views, providing a thorough analysis of the bones, joints, and soft tissues in the palm region. The AP view offers a frontal-to-back perspective, while the Oblique view enhances visibility through an angled approach, particularly beneficial for discerning structures that may be less evident in standard views. This diagnostic tool proves invaluable for the detection of fractures, dislocations, or arthritis in the bones and joints of the right palm, with a particular emphasis on the little finger. By incorporating these specific views, Hypro Diagnostics ensures a nuanced examination, facilitating precise diagnosis and targeted treatment planning for hand-related conditions in the specified area.
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