Conducting an X-ray examination for the tibia and fibula at Hypro Diagnostics is a safe and painless process that utilizes a minimal amount of radiation to generate a detailed image of the lower leg. Throughout the procedure, our advanced X-ray machine emits a controlled beam of radiation through the lower leg, capturing a precise image on a computer or specialized X-ray film. The resulting black-and-white image provides a comprehensive view of the bones, particularly the tibia and fibula, as well as the soft tissues in the lower leg. Dense structures, such as the tibia and fibula, appear white on the X-ray due to their ability to block X-ray beams, while softer tissues like skin and muscles allow the beams to pass through, presenting as darker areas on the image. Administered by our proficient X-ray technicians, these examinations typically take place at the radiology department of Hypro Diagnostics, ensuring a high standard of diagnostic precision. Two distinct images are captured during the procedure: one from the front (anteroposterior view or AP) and one from the side (lateral view). This diagnostic tool, exclusive to Hypro Diagnostics, proves instrumental in identifying the underlying causes of symptoms such as pain, limp, or swelling, and is highly effective in detecting potential fractures. Additionally, our X-ray procedures contribute significantly to the diagnosis of later stages of infections, providing a thorough assessment and understanding of the lower leg’s condition.
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