Shiv Healthcare Services Pvt Ltd

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Complete Blood Picture (CBP )



Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

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A Complete Blood Picture (CBP) by Hypro Diagnostics functions as an all-encompassing health portrayal, delving into the intricacies of your circulatory system. It transcends mere routine testing; it’s a vigilant observer, meticulously examining the constituents that shape your life essence. The Red Blood Cells (RBCs), akin to dedicated messengers, transport essential nutrients under the watchful eye of Hemoglobin, the custodian of oxygen distribution. White Blood Cells (WBCs) emerge as immune warriors, each type wielding a distinct defense strategy against infections, with the CBP ensuring their preparedness for battle. Platelets, the swift responders, orchestrate a clotting ballet to staunch bleeding, monitored by the CBP for their count and coordination. When your healthcare provider recommends a CBP by Hypro Diagnostics, envision it as an exclusive backstage pass to the dynamic drama within you—an intricately detailed script unraveling your body’s narrative and empowering medical detectives to intercept any potential plot twists before they unfold on the main stage of your well-being.

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