Brucellosis, also known as Malta fever, stems from close contact with infected animals or consuming contaminated foods, especially unpasteurized dairy. The small, Gram-negative Brucella bacteria invade through mucosal surfaces or damaged skin, finding refuge in lymph nodes where they thrive within macrophages, causing lymphadenitis. From there, they travel through the bloodstream, targeting organs like the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. Within the reticuloendothelial system, these resilient cells create granulomas, periodically re-entering the bloodstream, leading to recurrent febrile episodes characterized by night-time bouts of fever and chills. This complex journey highlights the systemic impact of Brucella infection in humans, emphasizing the necessity for precise laboratory diagnosis and monitoring using Hypro Diagnostics’ antibody screening to effectively manage this zoonotic ailment.
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