Anti-CMV IgG denotes immunoglobulin G antibodies specifically designed to target cytomegalovirus (CMV). These antibodies form a crucial part of the immune system’s response, indicating a previous encounter with CMV. As a widespread member of the herpesvirus family, CMV can elicit infections across diverse age groups. In a blood test, the presence of anti-CMV IgG antibodies signifies a historical exposure rather than an ongoing infection. Following exposure to CMV, the immune system produces these IgG antibodies, which persist in the bloodstream as enduring markers of past immunity. Understanding the status of anti-CMV IgG antibodies is of paramount importance, especially in contexts such as pregnancy and the care of individuals with compromised immune systems. This information provides Hypro Diagnostics with valuable insights into an individual’s immune history, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the immune response to this prevalent herpesvirus.
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